Monday, November 30, 2009

Digital Writing Project

Project status:
I LOVE my project! I would have never started a blog had it not been for this class, but I am really enjoying writing updates about my pregnancy for friends and family to read.

Originally I thought of starting a journal about being pregnant. I wanted to write funny reactions we got when we told people and keep a record of what I was going through. I started the journal this summer but only got a few phrases into it. I couldn't make myself sit down to fill it out. Plus so much seemed to happen that I couldn't keep up. I've found an on-line journal (my blog) much easier to update and share. I also like being able to add pictures of how my stomach is growing (this was in response to my mom's constant request for pictures). Having family in Madison and DC makes this a great way to keep them up to date with what is going on. I'd also like to share it with my daughter one day!

I have kept journals before, though not that many. I have found that I can't write fast enough to keep up with my thoughts and that my penmanship (in trying to write quickly) isn't the clearest! These are more reasons as to why I like having an on-line journal. However, this if the first time I have kept a journal that others will (and are) reading. It does make me think twice about what I write and how I write it.

I have mentioned to the class that I feel a bit awkward sometimes because I want the blog to be about the pregnancy and our soon expanding family, though the only pictures I can put on now are pictures of me (my belly!). I do plan to keep up with the blog and add pictures (and hopefully videos) when our baby girl arrives.

As of now the blog is mostly journal posts and digital pictures. As I mentioned I would like to add video and possibly voice clips of our daughter. I'm sure the grandparents will like this as well!

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